Saturday, September 8, 2012

"Run My Numbers"

I received our homeowner's insurance bill and a voice went off in my head--the one that says "That seems expensive"so I decided to pull out last years bill and sure enough, it was a few hundred dollars more. The "I don't have enough time to deal with this" part of me said let it go--everything is costing more these days. Luckily the "If I saw a few hundred dollars on the street, I'd pick it up" part of me decided to call the insurance company. The customer service representative politely offered to "run my numbers". I had no idea what that meant but hoped it meant review my bill to see why it increased. Much to my surprise, she came back, apologized for putting me on hold and said that she could lower my deductible and decrease my rate by $700 a year! I almost couldn't respond, I was so stunned. the words "run my numbers" are forever stuck in my head. Try calling your insurance company and ask them to "run your numbers"--hopefully, you will be as pleasantly surprised as I was!

While you're at it--be sure to check your policies to make sure you have enough, and not too much, coverage. Here's a previous blog posting to help.