Friday, May 11, 2012

Frugal Gifts for Mother's Day

While flowers and gifts are traditional ways to show your appreciation for your mother on Mother's Day, there are alternatives to spending big bucks and shower her with things that most most Mom's really want:

1) Weed the garden for her (make sure you know which are weeds first)
2) Wash and vacuum her car
3) Let her sleep in
4) Find that book or magazine that she's been trying to find time to read, sit her in a comfy chair and let her have that hour to read
5) Take her to a museum
6) Show her how to use a feature on her computer that she never had time to figure out
7) Fix--and clean up--a nice dinner
8) Find a nice garden in your area and surprise her with a picnic lunch there
9) Find a new app for her phone and show her how to download it
10) Write her a card, poem, story about a funny memory you have of her--us mom's are saps for these and will be tenderly reading them for years!

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